Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions

Availability - how can I check availability of the halls?

Go to the 'bookings' page on the website and click on 'hall availability by clicking here' and the diary will be displayed. Select the date you require from the drop down calendar.

Alcohol Sales - can I sell alcohol at my event?

Yes and outside Bar companies can be used if required. All of the halls are licensed by Tewkesbury Borough Council for the sale of alcohol. The Trust pays an annual fee for this license. You will be required to pay the Trust a fee for the use of this license, (currently £20 in 2015), and sign a Code of Practice statement for conduct during the sale of alcohol during your event. A copy of the Code of Practice is available on our website - link to this on the 'bookings' page and also displayed in all the halls.

Alcohol - if alcohol is provided free of charge, do I still need to pay for the use of the license?

No you do not need to pay for the use of the license, but the Trust expects you ensure that alcohol is consumed responsibly in line with the Code of practice - A copy of the Code of Practice is available on our website - link to this on the 'bookings' page and it is also displayed in all the halls.

Audio Visual Equipment - can I use the AV system in The Gambier Parry Hall and the overhead projector in the Parish Rooms?

Yes you can use this equipment. You must indicate that you require to use it on your booking form, (space provided), and the cabinet will be left unlocked. Full instructions on the use of all equipment is posted on the doors of the cabinet. Please do not disconnect or change any wiring on the equipment.

Ball games - can ball games be played in the halls?

No ball games of any kind are allowed in the halls

Booking - how can book one of the halls?

Full details of how to book are on the bookings page on the website. The best method to contact the Bookings Manager is by e-mail - link on the bookings page

Booking Confirmation - when will I know if my booking is confirmed?

Once your booking form and payment is received the Bookings Manager will email confirmation.

Booking restrictions - Are there any restrictions for booking?

Yes - you must be a minimum of 25 years of age to make a booking. We do not accept bookings for 18th birthday parties regardless of the age of the person requesting the booking

Bouncy Castles - can I have a bouncy castle in the halls

The Old School is not suitable for a bouncy castle due to its size and the Parish Rooms are not suitable because of height restrictions. A bouncy castle may be erected in the Gambier Parry Hall but care must be taken that it does not interfere with overhead projector or lighting. Any fuel driven compressor must be located outside of the hall to prevent noxious fumes in the hall. Hirer must ensure that the Company from which the castle is hired has Public Liability and Third Party Insurance. Bouncy castles are used at the sole risk of the hirer.

Barbecues - can I have a barbecue at my function?

Yes you can have a barbecue but it must be set up a minimum of 5 metres from any of the buildings and clear of any overhanging tree branches. You must ensure the grass area is not burnt and coals are fully extinguished on completion. Do not dispose of any hot coals in the waste bins on site

Cancellation - how much notice do I have to give to cancel my booking, and if I paid a deposit will this be returned?

You must give 7 days clear notice of cancellation, which will give us the opportunity to re-let the hall, otherwise you will be expected to pay for your booking. If you have paid a deposit and give 7 days clear notice of cancellation your deposit will be returned. Without this notice your deposit will be retained.

Catering - can I use my own caterers?

Yes you can arrange your own caterers

Car Parking - is there free car parking on site?

Yes there is ample free parking on site both in front and to the rear of the halls. Overflow parking is available in the church car park when this is not required for use by the church. Please park considerately and at right angles to the central reservation in the main part of the car park. Do not use the disabled parking spaces unless you are a disabled badge holder

Car Parking - is there disabled parking allocated?

Yes there are allocated disabled spaces close to the Gambier Parry Hall. These are clearly defined

Cleaning up and Setting up time - do I get an allowance at the start and end of my booking to set-up and clear up?

There is no 'free' allowance. You must include this time in your overall booking time and pay the hourly rate.

Cleaning of the halls after hire - am I expected to clean up on completion of my hire?

Yes we expect you to leave the halls in a clean and tidy condition. Any kitchen crockery and utensils should be washed in hot soapy water, dried and returned to their cabinets. Washing up liquid and tea towels are provided. Work surfaces should be wiped down and bins emptied particularly if they have food remnants or disposable nappies. If necessary floors should be swept

Decorations - can I put up decorations for my party?

Yes you can put up decorations but you must not use drawing pins or anything that will mark the walls of the halls. Blu-tak must not be used on the painted walls. The Gambier Parry Hall has hooks along the window ledges which are provided for the securing of your decorations

Deposits - will my deposit be returned if I cancel my booking?

See 'Cancellation' above

Key collection - where do I collect the keys from?

Keys for each Hall are available in a key safe close to each Hall door. Regular users are notified of the key safe code, and changes thereof; other users should ensure that they obtain the code prior to their booking by emailing a request for the code at least 7 days before the booking

Kitchen Facilities - do the halls have kitchen facilities?

Yes all halls have kitchen facilities including cookers, refrigerators, and microwaves. There is also a supply of crockery and cutlery. You are welcome to use these but please ensure they are washed, dried and returned to storage on completion. Washing up liquid and tea towels are provided.

Outdoor facilities - can I use the areas around the halls?

Yes, having due consideration for users who have booked other halls, you can use the areas outside the halls, taking care not to bring mud etc. into the halls in wet conditions. Please be aware that the field adjacent to the halls where the cricket pitch is located is not the property of the Community Centre. Permission to use this must be obtained from the Land Agent, Bruton Knowles.

Payment - when and how do I pay for my booking?

If your booking falls within 3 months of the booking date you book then you need to pay in full when you return your booking form. If it is more than 3 months then you need to pay a deposit of £25 if the booking total is lees than £100 and a deposit of £50 if the booking total is more than £100. You can pay by cheque made payable to Highnam Community Centre Trust, or direct bank transfer, (details available on request). If you have to pay by cash please contact the Bookings Manager for drop off details. For refund policy see 'Cancellation' above.

Publicity - Can I put posters on the notice boards at the halls?

Yes please contact the Bookings Manager or the Caretaker who will arrange to do this for you

Smoking - can we smoke inside any of the buildings?

No, the buildings are smoke free area in compliance with the law in public places. When smoking outside the disposal bins must be used

Security - should I have any security concerns?

The halls are located in a very safe area and there are rarely any concerns about security. Children should be kept under close supervision at all times and not allowed outside the halls without supervision - there is a very busy road outside the centre and the boundary is not enclosed. You should familiarise yourself with the fire exits on arrival. Should you leave the building empty at any time during your hire you should ensure all the doors are closed and locked