GCC Safeguarding Roadshow - PO4100330541

Description: 07/12/17 Booked by Elaine Davison - Admin Assistant HR by email
01452 324306
08/01/18 PO cover received £135
30 delegates cabaret style - no one facing backwards!
7 Tables around the edge of the room for displays
Projector screen & flip chart
Confirmation status: Confirmed
Room: Highnam - Gambier Parry
Start time: 08:00:00 - Tuesday 10 April 2018
Duration: 9 hours
End time: 17:00:00 - Tuesday 10 April 2018
Type: Corporate
Created by: bill
modifiedby: bill
Last updated: 10:03:30 - Wednesday 04 April 2018
Repeat type: None
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