C5356 - Hereford & Glos Canal Trust - Ted Beagles

Description: Mr Beagles wants to book overnight accomodation for group of volunteers coming to work on Over Canal. They stayed last year and were charged £50 night. I agreed £120 for 2 nights. Will confirm in next day or so.
Tel 01452 522648
Mob 07960 176976
20/01/11 Confirmed by e-mail - booking form e-mailed
01/02/11 Booking form and £50 deposit received - Balance £70 to pay - Received 06/04/11
Confirmation status: Confirmed
Room: Highnam - Old School
Start time: 18:00:00 - Friday 08 April 2011
Duration: 38.5 hours
End time: 08:30:00 - Sunday 10 April 2011
Type: Casual Paid
Created by: bill
Last updated: 21:43:15 - Wednesday 16 November 2011
Repeat type: None
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